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Athletics Director

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Athletic Director

Paul Hogue

Athletics Director

Phone: 209-325-1065


Merced High School draws on 117 years of tradition; generations of alumni support our student athletes, school, and athletic programs. We learn from our past so we may strengthen our future-- and it is a bright future.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a rigorous athletic program which complements and supports a challenging academic program by teaching students to persevere, to work well with others, and to compete at everything they do. We are in a constant pursuit to become the home of Scholars and Champions.


  • We believe students are our highest priority.
  • We believe the dignity, worth, and self-esteem of participants should be paramount in all athletic activities.
  • We believe the most important result of competition is the development of life-long values and skills.
  • We believe the athletic program is an integral part of the high school experience.
  • We believe high school athletics should be fun and rewarding.
  • We believe in the multi-sport athlete.
  • We believe athletic programs are most beneficial when they are competitive.
  • We believe winning is an attitude resulting from optimum preparation, concentrated effort and a deep commitment to excel.
  • We believe well-designed athletic programs promote community and school pride.
  • We believe open communication and mutual respect among coaches, parents, and athletes provide the foundation of a successful athletic program.
  • We believe morale, satisfaction, and performance are enhanced when athletes work together as a team.
  • We believe well qualified coaches and program administrators are important components in a successful athletic program.
  • We believe positive parent support and involvement enhance student growth and program quality.


Athletics Participation Form:

Athletic Goals:

  • Freshman athletics will be an introductory course in Athletics at Merced High School. The goal of freshman athletics at Merced High is to begin to develop the complete Student Athlete and to instill the joy of competition and sport. Frosh rosters will be as large as possible. Communication will begin with the student athletes and their parents on the transition from recreation sports/city leagues into the more comprehensive and competitive CIF/High School sports structure. Significant emphasis on fundamentals will be stressed that will enable the individual to climb the ranks within a program. It is important to understand that the progress and development of the student athlete will take precedence over winning. Student athletes will be introduced to time management and study skills that will assist them in maximizing their academic potential while participating in their respective sports. Student athletes will also be introduced to the sequence and four year map to attain NCAA qualification.

  • The goal of Junior Varsity athletics at MHS is to continue the learning and development process of becoming a Student Athlete. Winning at this level is nice, but not at the cost of hindering player development or having fun. Student athletes at the JV level will be preparing to compete at the highest level; varsity. Programs will begin identifying potential post high school academic and athletic paths for each student athlete.

  • The focus of Varsity athletics at MHS will be a continued development of the Student Athletes’ academic and athletic potential. Programs will actively assist with the student athletes’ pursuit of post high school academic and athletic opportunities. Programs will continue to focus on developing player skill and having fun, but will put more emphasis on winning and competing at the highest level. We will be in pursuit of Central California Conference, Section and CIF State Championships.

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